Bill Critchley Executive Coaching

A relational approach to organisation consulting & coaching

A collection of articles and pieces

You have read a lot, I am sure, of articles, and some books, which have furthered your career in some way, some more memorable than others. Some of you will have written books. I wrote a book myself fairly recently (‘Lessons in Leadership’), in which I attempted to lay out what I had learned about the messy reality of leadership in organisations. It was not an academic book as such, but it drew on a number of theories as well as my experience, a sort of synthesis if you like, of all that I think I know about leadership after some thirty years of consulting, teaching, and some leading on my own account.

I also realise that, along the way, I have written a lot of shorter articles and notes for presentations, across a wide range of subjects, from how we think about organisations, the practice of consulting, the practice of coaching, how ‘strategy’ is formulated and enacted, and also something about how we learn about what is really happening during processes of change (action inquiry), and how leaders really learn from each other (action learning), and also how consultants really learn (shadow consulting and supervision).

Some of this has been published in various journals and some not, and I thought it would be worth collating it all into one place, in one ‘book’. I am thinking of it as my professional legacy which I would like to make available to anyone who might be interested, rather than leaving it littered across various files on my computer.

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Bill Critchley EMCC Supervisor

Bill Critchley Consulting Limited, a company registered in England and Wales. Company number 06485962

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